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Operations Design & Model

Harness Real-Time Data for Optimal Scheduling & Process Enhancements

Break Down Your Manufacturing Processes Into an Easy-to-Manage Model

  • Accurately simulate your plant to visualize resource constraints
  • Accommodate production variability
  • Maximize production
  • Generate a feasible schedule
  • Test any potential process disturbances

Visualize a Pathway to Higher Production Rates
The power of real-time monitoring allows for:

  • Proper planning for debottlenecking of various resource types
  • Testing of new product introductions
  • Modifications to your process

Not Just a Silo Solution

Real-time scheduling is driven via integrations to your plant floor architecture. Previously integrated activities, such as ‘Prepare Media’, are automatically reflected in the schedule.

If activities are not started, the schedule will be recalculated and optimized to accommodate for the delay.

Benefits of Real-Time Scheduling

  • Break away from Excel chaos by having an ‘always feasible’ schedule
  • Create an actual pathway to improvement—with confidence in data
  • Accommodate any plant floor issue through the platform’s simple building blocks

Meet the Experts

Dan Wasser,
Industry Consultant

With decades of pharmaceutical manufacturing experience, Dan helps clients get data from disparate systems, query it, and then using analytics tools to help solve business problems.

Eric Grigg,
Lead Business Analyst

Eric helps pharmaceutical companies address their needs with his business acumen and extensive knowledge of technology, particularly related to MES.

Customer Stories

Real-Time Scheduling and Debottlenecking Capabilities Accelerate Biotech Ramp Up

As this customer’s facility continued to ramp up production, each minute and every resource became increasingly valuable to optimize in a methodical manner. Learn how they improved manually-based schedules and created a plan for better utilization of their existing resources.

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End-to-End Planning System Incorporates Strategic Considerations

Disparate schedules and systems were leading to conflicts, under-utilized whitespace, and ultimately a loss of production. Learn how this customer created a single source of truth for their plant floor schedules, that is updated in real-time and accessible by multiple departments.

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International Pharmaceutical R&D and Manufacturing Company Adopts Real-Time Modeling System as Its North Star for Production Scheduling

This customer realized that a dynamic scheduling tool was not only a nice to have, but instead a must to achieve their capacity goals. Learn how they improved their scheduling and overall production processes.

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